Advertising with Welcome Break
With up to 85 million customer visits each year, a multitude of digital and in-store media positions, Welcome Break provides brands and business a powerful marketing channel throughout the UK. We host a very large community of commuting, business and leisure travellers seeking a moment of relaxation and recuperation. With an average dwell time of 20-30 minutes, our brand partners access an audience in a positive and receptive mood state, with plenty of opportunities to broadcast awareness and promotional messages.
Below is a guide to the many media spaces we provide within our locations and across our wider digital channels. These media formats provide a great deal of flexibility and creativity to build campaigns, to achieve a variety of advertising objectives. To help you plan the best use of your budget, please get in touch with our Advertising Team, who will work in partnership and help you tailor the best campaign solutions and generate more return on your media spend.
Media Walls
Sited in central seating areas at 13 Welcome Break sites, including 15x6ft LED screens, these offer brand partners a flagship channel to build awareness. With an average customer dwell time of 20-30 mins, standard rotations deliver strong opportunities to see creative messages and good coverage of visitors in any day part.
13 locations
30M reach
20-30 minute dwell time
Assets required
- MP4. 1920x1080 minimum

Our 25 Welcome Break forecourts, 6 Shell stations and 4 Applegreen sites offer brand partners a dynamic choice of media positions along various touch points on the customer journey. These positions are ideal for prompting spontaneous awareness and driving purchase with simple sales promotions. Our Advertising Team will work with partners to build a forecourt package to amplify campaign messages and generate the best return.
Nozzle Ads
Bollard Surrounds
Pump Crowners
Till Screens
Framed Posters
Assets required
- MP3 / WAV files
- Vector graphics
Many of the 85M customer visits to Welcome Break, each year, will also include access through our free customer Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi screen appears to all users initially accessing our Wi-Fi service, being served up to hundreds of thousands of customers. The screen provides powerful real estate for brand partners to share news, launches and promotions.
Assets required
- Hi resolution pixel images
- • Vectored graphics

Email Campaigns
With a database of 200K+ GDPR compliant subscribers, segmented by business and leisure profiles, email broadcasts provide a simple channel to engage customers with service updates, product launches and exclusive competitions. Estimated 6 x broadcasts per year, coinciding with key holiday dates.
Detailed metrics
12% open rate
Click through (CTR) 7%
Assets required
- Hi resolution pixel images
- Vectored graphics
Welcome Break Radio
Broadcast at every Welcome Break location across daytime hours, playing current and classic favourites. With average dwell times of 20-30 minutes, customers are given plenty of opportunities to hear a rotation of 30” ad spots. Campaigns can be segmented from all locations to singular sites.
Assets required
- MP3 / WAV files

Social Media
Welcome Break manage the largest organic Twitter and Facebook communities in the Motorway Services Area category, with a 65% female: 35% male user profile. Both channels are managed daily with a frequent supply of outbound content and 2 way engagement with our users in supporting social customer experience. Additional impressions are driven through frequent paid advertising campaigns, achieving an estimated reach of 5 million impressions with a daily reach of 4.2-4.6K.
Detailed metrics
17M impressions
Detailed metrics
434K impressions
Detailed metrics
54K impressions
Assets required
- Twitter: 1024px by 512px jpeg
- Facebook: 940px by 788px jpeg
- Pixel images + vector graphics
Our Website
Averaging 64K sessions views per month, our core website provides our customer community with essential content and tools to plan their journeys and access key information on our sites and catering brand offers. Most popular pages include opening times, popular locations and brand pages including Burger King and Starbucks.
64K impressions
122K page views
01:25 session duration
Channel placements:
- Home page carousel
- Page banners
- Campaign panels
- Brand page banners + panels
Assets required
- Hi resolution pixel images
- Vectored graphics

Till Screens
Available at all Welcome Break locations and site on most till points, till screen media offers an ideal space for driving tactical purchases, upselling and other sales promotion drives. Campaign messages can be segmented to day part / location / region to target specific customer groups throughout the week.
Assets required
- Full screen: SWF 1024x768 (VT) or JPEG 1024 x 768
- Mid transaction screen: SWF Width="644" Height="760“